Upcoming Events
Past Events
6/1/24 - Author Fair, Dove Library, Carlsbad, CA, 2-3 pm
2/17/24 - Launch Party, Junior High, Glendale, CA, 8-10 pm
4/16/23 - Book signing, Warwick's Bookstore, La Jolla, CA, 12-2 pm
2/13/2023 - Class Visit, Johns Hopkins Writing Graduate Programs (zoom)
12/11/2022 - Finding Favorites Podcast with Leah Jones
1/8/2021 - Readings on the Pike, Rockville, MD (zoom)
10/26/2021 - Writers Live! Enoch Pratt Free Library (with James Magruder), 7 pm
9/6/2021 - Book Talk with Kory French
9/5/2021 - Finding Favorites Podcast with Leah Jones
8/25/2021 - MOCO Underground reading, Zoom (register here)2/6/2021 - Ten-Minute Editor meetings, Conservations & Connections conference, Zoom
6/11/2019 - Wild Readings, Columbia Art Center, Columbia, MD, 7 pm
11/14/2018 - Friends of Pikesville Library Speaker Series, Baltimore, MD, 2:30-4
10/14-10/19/2018 - Visiting Writers Series: "Writing: A Life," Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA
7/22/2018 - Free Association Reading at City of Asylum, Pittsburgh, PA, 5:30 pm
5/12/2018 - "Everything Is Genre: Writing Speculative and Literary Fiction," panel moderator, Conversations and Connections, George Mason University, Arlington, VA
5/10/2018 - Grace and Gravity Anthology Readings, Politics & Prose at the Wharf, Washington, DC
5/4/2018 - Noir at the Bar, Wonderland Ballroom, Washington, DC, 5:30 pm
4/14/2018 - Moderator, "Find a Way": The Power, Strength, and Resilience of Standing Up
University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
9/20/2016 - The Inner Loop Reading Series, Colony Club, Washington, DC
8/16/2016 - Enoch Pratt Free Library (with James Magruder and Amber Spark), Baltimore, MD, 6:30 Pm
8/4/2016 - IPP's Ladies Night (with Thea Brown, Meg Ronan, Gowri Koneswaran, Danielle Evennou), 7 pm, The Room, Mount Vernon, Baltimore, MD
7/16/2016 - Noir at the Bar, 7 pm, Wonderland Ballroom, Washington, DC
6/9/2016 - The House That Made Me anthology reading, 7 pm, Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore
4/30/2016 - Books Alive! 2016 Conference, 3:45 pm, Bethesda Marriott, Bethesda, MD
4/16/2016 - CityLit Festival: In Conversation with Paul Lisicky, 4:00 pm, University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
3/31/2016 - Smokelong Best of Anthology signing AWP, 4:30 pm, LA Convention Center, Booth 831, Los Angeles, CA
1/31/2016 - Lit & Art, 2-5:00 pm, Watermark Gallery, Baltimore, MD
12/10/2015 - Amid the Roar: An Anthology of Towson University Alumni, 5:30 pm, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
11/21/2015 - Reading, CityLit Press 5th Anniversary Celebration,7 pm, Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore
10/24/2015 -9th Annual Western Maryland Indie Lit Festival, Frostburg, MD
10/13/2015 - Reading, CityLit Press 5th Anniversary Celebration,7 pm, Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore
9/27/2015 - Talk, "Long Fiction" and "How to Get Your Short Fiction Published,"Just Write. Writers Conference, Bel-Air
8/31/2015 - Talk, "In-Scene," Baltimore Chapter, Maryland Writers Association, Ukazoo Books, 6-8 pm
6/9/2015 - Writers and Words, Charmington's, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
4/18/2015 - Conversations and Connections Conference, Washington, DC
4/8/2015 - Class visit, Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, 4:30-6 pm
3/28/2015 - Mother Seton Fundraiser, G&A Restaurant, 7 pm
3/10/2015 - USPTO, Book club, Arlington, VA, 4:30-5:30 pm
2/28/2015 - "Stories we tell ourselves in order to live," Midtown Scholar Bookstore, Harrisburg, PA, 6 pm
12/17/2014 - "Kate Wyer's BLACK KRIM Release Party," Baltimore, EMP Collective, 7:30 pm
12/12/2014 - "Everybody All the Time," Baltimore, The Windup Space, 7 pm
12/6/2014 - "Authors and Rockers" (with Jason Tinney), 6 pm
12/4/2014 - "Hey You, Come Back" Reading Series, Baltimore, The Crown, 7-9 pm
12/1/2014 - "MD Morning with Tom Hall, Baltimore, WYPR, 88.1 FM
10/19/2014 - Author Brunch, The Parkville Bookworm, Parkville, MD, 12-2 pm
10/14/2014 - Barnes & Noble, Frederick, MD, 7 pm
10/11/2014 - Politics and Prose, Washington, DC, 1 pm
9/27/2014 - "Baltimore Best Sellers," (with Rafael Alvarez), Baltimore Book Festival, Baltimore, MD, 6 pm
9/20/2014 - Ivy Bookshop (From Here release party), 6-7:30 pm
8/3/2014 - University of Chicago Alumni Baltimore Chapter Book Club
6/7/2014 - Federal Dust Reading, Federal Hill, Baltimore, MD, TBA
4/26/2014 - Maryland Writers Conference, 2014
4/9/2014 - Class visit, St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
4/2/2014 - Class visit, Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville, MD
3/23/2014 - with Paul Margolis and Betsy Boyd, Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD, 2-5 pm
3/11/2014 - WORMS Reading, Metro Gallery, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
3/9/2014 - Book group, Baltimore, MD, noon
1/26/2014 - Friends of the Enoch Pratt Free Library 40th Anniversary Celebration, 2 pm, Wheeler Auditorium
12/9/2013 - Fiction at Freddies, Freddies Ale House, Harford Road, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
11/21/2013 - College of Notre Dame, class visit
11/14/2013 - University of Baltimore, class visit
11/11/2013 - Northern Virginia Community College, 7 pm
11/7/2013 - WorWic Community College, 7 pm
10/28/2013 - Bookgroup visit, The Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore, 7 pm
10/24/2013 - Visiting Writer, York College, York, PA, reading 5 pm
10/11/2013 - Words & Wine Benefit, Catonsville Library, Catonsville, MD, 7-9 pm (ticket purchase required
9/28/2013 - 2013 Baltimore Book Festival, Baltimore, MD, 5 pm
9/27/2013 - Lit Chat (twitter chat), 4-5 pm
9/24/2013 - 2013 Fall for the Book festival, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
8/26/2013 - Ivy Bookstore, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
8/11/2013 - Three Tents Reading, Washington, DC, 7 pm
7/27/2013 - One More Page Books, Arlington, VA, 7 pm (Waterbear Series with Susi Wyss and Timmy Reed)
7/14/13 - Barnes & Noble, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Noon (with Jessica Blau)
6/24-29/13 - Chesapeake Writers Conference at St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
6/13/13 - Why There Are Words, Sausalito, CA, 7 pm
6/6/13 - HearArts reading, VisArts, Rockville, MD, 7 pm
6/1/13 - Long Story Short, Mesh Baltimore Skillshare Workshop, Digital Harbor High School, Baltimore, TBA
5/23-26/13 - Saints and Sinners Festival, New Orleans, LA, Saturday 24th, 11:45 am, Sunday 25th, TBA
5/19/13 - Sunday Salon, Jimmy's 43, New York, NY, 7-9 pm
4/23/13 - Barnes & Noble, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
4/20/13 - Athens Book Center, Athens, OH (TBA)
4/17/13 - American University, Washington, DC
4/13/13 - CityLit Festival, Enoch Pratt Library, Baltimore, MD (TBA)
3/08/13 - Atomic Books, Baltimore, MD, 7-9 pm, with Jami Attenberg
2/16/13 - 510 Readings, Hampden, MD, 5 pm
11/27/12 - class visit, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
10/18/12 - CityLit Press and the World of Publishing, 6:30 pm, Enoch Pratt Libary, Baltimore, MD
10/11/12 - The Lit Show! Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
10/10/12 - Publishing Today, Oydessy Program (class visit), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 6:30 pm
8/2/12-8/23/12 - Let's Get It Started! (Write Here, Write Now Workshop), Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD, Thursdays, 7 pm
7/14/12 - Chesapeake Writers Conference at St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
5/3/12 - Artichoke Haircut Reading Series, Dionysus Restaurant, Baltimore, MD, 8:30 pm
4/29/12 - Last Sunday, Last Rites, Baltimore Hostel, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
4/22/12 - Bethesda Writer's Center (Pedestal Anniversary Reading), 5 pm
3/22/12 - The Lit Show!
3/20/12 - Maryland Morning with Tom Hall, 88.1 WYPR, Baltimore, MD
11/17/11 - A Night of jmww, Miseracordia College, Scranton, PA
10/16/11 - Sunday Salon, Jimmy's 43, New York, NY, 7-9 pm
10/11/11 - Publication workshop, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD, TBA
9/24/11 - Baltimore Book Festival, signing and reading, 1-3 pm, Baltimore Gay Life tent
4/21/11 - The New Yinzer Presents, Modern Formations Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 8 pm,
4/16/11 - CityLit Festival, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 510 Readings
3/18/11 - Maryland Morning with Tom Hall
2/4/11 - BLIP Magazine/Moon Milk Review/Potomac Review Off-Site AWP Reading, 7:30-9:30, JHU, Washington, DC
1/30/11 - Lit and Art, 2-5 pm, Watermark Gallery, Baltimore, MD,
11/20/10 - 510 Readings, Baltimore, MD, Minas Gallery, 5 pm
10/1/10 - Scranton Book Festival, Scranton, PA
9/30/10 - Red Canoe, Hamilton, MD
9/25/10 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Tent
9/17/10 - The Signal Baltimore, WYPR
9/11/10 - Red Room, Normals, Baltimore, MD 8 pm
6/22/10 - CityLit Fundraiser, Langerhans, 6 pm
7/22/10 - City Sages Reading, Creative Alliance
7/15/10 - Atomic Books, Hampden, MD
6/7/10 - City Sages Reading, Cyclops, Baltimore, 8 pm
6/4/10 - Sententia/dogzplot/reading, KGB Bar, New York, 8 pm
5/29/10 - Ukazoo Books, Towson, MD
5/18/10 - City Sages Reading, Barnes & Noble-JHU, Baltimore, 7 pm
4/29/10 - CityLit Festival, Enoch Pratt Free Library
4/24/10 - Maryland Writers Conference, Timonium, MD, 10 am
3/20/10 - Dzanc Day Writing Workshop, Minas Gallery, 1-4 pm
1/30/10 - Literary Death Match, The Windup Space, 8 pm
10/4/09 - Scranton Book Festival, Scranton, PA
9/2/09 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Tent, 6 pm
8/30/09 - Last Sunday, Last Rites, Baltimore Hostel, 8 pm
6/13/09 - Publishing Genius Party, The LOFT, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
6/3/09 - jmww anthology III reading, Cyclops, Baltimore, MD, 5 pm
5/1/09 - For Crying Out Loud, Baltimore, MD
4/11/09 - Conversations and Connections, Washington, DC
4/3/09 - Women Writers, St. Mary's College of MD, 8 pm
3/6/09 - Manuscripts and Martinis, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
2/27/09 - Literary Carbaret, Fraziers, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
1/1/09 - First Day Poetry Reading, Creative Alliance
11/17/08 - Smile, Hon! You're in Baltimore, Baltimore Chop Shop, 7 pm
9/26/08 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Stage, 6 pm
9/10/08 - Word Books, Brooklyn, NY, 8 pm
8/20/08 - The New Yinzer Presents, Pittsburgh, PA, 8 pm
8/9/08 - Accapella Books, Atlanta, GA, 5 pm
5/24/08 - First City Review Reading, Baltimore, Minas Gallery, 5 pm
4/1/08 - Conversations and Connections, Washington, DC
3/16/08 - 510 Readings, Baltimore, Minas Gallery, 5 pm
3/14/08 - The Signal, WYPR, Baltimore
2/17/08 - Baltimore Chop Chop, Baltimore, MD, 1 pm
1/1/08 - First Day Poetry Reading, Creative Alliance
9/30/07 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Stage, Books and Brews
5/5/07 - Conversations and Connections Conference, Washington, DC
11/14/2018 - Friends of Pikesville Library Speaker Series, Baltimore, MD, 2:30-4
10/14-10/19/2018 - Visiting Writers Series: "Writing: A Life," Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA
7/22/2018 - Free Association Reading at City of Asylum, Pittsburgh, PA, 5:30 pm
5/12/2018 - "Everything Is Genre: Writing Speculative and Literary Fiction," panel moderator, Conversations and Connections, George Mason University, Arlington, VA
5/10/2018 - Grace and Gravity Anthology Readings, Politics & Prose at the Wharf, Washington, DC
5/4/2018 - Noir at the Bar, Wonderland Ballroom, Washington, DC, 5:30 pm
4/14/2018 - Moderator, "Find a Way": The Power, Strength, and Resilience of Standing Up
University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
4/4/2018 - Baker Awards Finalist Reading, Bird in Hand, Baltimore, MD
2/28/2018 - Towson Literary Reading Series, Towson University, Towson, MD
11/28/2017 - Writers Roundtable at the Cockeysville Library, Cockeysville, MD
7/8/2017 - Charles Huston Community Writers Speaker Series, Alexandria, VA
6/27/2017 - Summer Literary Salon, Washington College, Chestertown, MD
6/21-25/2017 - Visiting Writer, Barrelhouse Camp, Port Matilda, PA
4/29/2017 - CityLit Festival, "In Conversion with the Browns," University of Baltimore, MD
3/18/2017 - Solidarity Writing Conference, Publishing Panel, Johns Hopkins University, DC campus
2/28/2018 - Towson Literary Reading Series, Towson University, Towson, MD
11/28/2017 - Writers Roundtable at the Cockeysville Library, Cockeysville, MD
7/8/2017 - Charles Huston Community Writers Speaker Series, Alexandria, VA
6/27/2017 - Summer Literary Salon, Washington College, Chestertown, MD
6/21-25/2017 - Visiting Writer, Barrelhouse Camp, Port Matilda, PA
4/29/2017 - CityLit Festival, "In Conversion with the Browns," University of Baltimore, MD
3/18/2017 - Solidarity Writing Conference, Publishing Panel, Johns Hopkins University, DC campus
2/10/2017 - Queens Ferry Press Author reading, AWP 17, Colony Club, Washington, DC
12/11/2016 - Sunday Salon Series, Jimmy's No. 43, New York, NY
11/30/2016 - Meet the Author Bookfair, The University Club of DC, Washington, DC
11/17/2016 - East City Books, Washington, DC
10/22/2016 - Words & Wine Benefit, Catonsville Public Library, Catonsville, MD
10/20/2016 - Tire Fire Reading Series, Philadelphia, PA
10/10/2016 - Franklin Park Reading Series, Brooklyn, NY
10/6/2016 - Upshur Books, Washington, DC (with Michelle Brafman)
10/5/2016 - Busboys and Poets, Washington, DC (with Ron Tanner)
9/26/2016 - Fall for the Book, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
9/25/2016 - Reston Reading Series, Reston Used Books, Reston, VA12/11/2016 - Sunday Salon Series, Jimmy's No. 43, New York, NY
11/30/2016 - Meet the Author Bookfair, The University Club of DC, Washington, DC
11/17/2016 - East City Books, Washington, DC
10/22/2016 - Words & Wine Benefit, Catonsville Public Library, Catonsville, MD
10/20/2016 - Tire Fire Reading Series, Philadelphia, PA
10/10/2016 - Franklin Park Reading Series, Brooklyn, NY
10/6/2016 - Upshur Books, Washington, DC (with Michelle Brafman)
10/5/2016 - Busboys and Poets, Washington, DC (with Ron Tanner)
9/26/2016 - Fall for the Book, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
9/20/2016 - The Inner Loop Reading Series, Colony Club, Washington, DC
8/16/2016 - Enoch Pratt Free Library (with James Magruder and Amber Spark), Baltimore, MD, 6:30 Pm
8/4/2016 - IPP's Ladies Night (with Thea Brown, Meg Ronan, Gowri Koneswaran, Danielle Evennou), 7 pm, The Room, Mount Vernon, Baltimore, MD
7/16/2016 - Noir at the Bar, 7 pm, Wonderland Ballroom, Washington, DC
6/9/2016 - The House That Made Me anthology reading, 7 pm, Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore
4/30/2016 - Books Alive! 2016 Conference, 3:45 pm, Bethesda Marriott, Bethesda, MD
4/16/2016 - CityLit Festival: In Conversation with Paul Lisicky, 4:00 pm, University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
3/31/2016 - Smokelong Best of Anthology signing AWP, 4:30 pm, LA Convention Center, Booth 831, Los Angeles, CA
1/31/2016 - Lit & Art, 2-5:00 pm, Watermark Gallery, Baltimore, MD
12/10/2015 - Amid the Roar: An Anthology of Towson University Alumni, 5:30 pm, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
11/21/2015 - Reading, CityLit Press 5th Anniversary Celebration,7 pm, Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore
10/24/2015 -9th Annual Western Maryland Indie Lit Festival, Frostburg, MD
10/13/2015 - Reading, CityLit Press 5th Anniversary Celebration,7 pm, Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore
9/27/2015 - Talk, "Long Fiction" and "How to Get Your Short Fiction Published,"Just Write. Writers Conference, Bel-Air
8/31/2015 - Talk, "In-Scene," Baltimore Chapter, Maryland Writers Association, Ukazoo Books, 6-8 pm
6/9/2015 - Writers and Words, Charmington's, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
4/18/2015 - Conversations and Connections Conference, Washington, DC
4/8/2015 - Class visit, Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, 4:30-6 pm
3/28/2015 - Mother Seton Fundraiser, G&A Restaurant, 7 pm
3/10/2015 - USPTO, Book club, Arlington, VA, 4:30-5:30 pm
2/28/2015 - "Stories we tell ourselves in order to live," Midtown Scholar Bookstore, Harrisburg, PA, 6 pm
12/17/2014 - "Kate Wyer's BLACK KRIM Release Party," Baltimore, EMP Collective, 7:30 pm
12/12/2014 - "Everybody All the Time," Baltimore, The Windup Space, 7 pm
12/6/2014 - "Authors and Rockers" (with Jason Tinney), 6 pm
12/4/2014 - "Hey You, Come Back" Reading Series, Baltimore, The Crown, 7-9 pm
12/1/2014 - "MD Morning with Tom Hall, Baltimore, WYPR, 88.1 FM
10/19/2014 - Author Brunch, The Parkville Bookworm, Parkville, MD, 12-2 pm
10/14/2014 - Barnes & Noble, Frederick, MD, 7 pm
10/11/2014 - Politics and Prose, Washington, DC, 1 pm
9/27/2014 - "Baltimore Best Sellers," (with Rafael Alvarez), Baltimore Book Festival, Baltimore, MD, 6 pm
9/20/2014 - Ivy Bookshop (From Here release party), 6-7:30 pm
8/3/2014 - University of Chicago Alumni Baltimore Chapter Book Club
6/7/2014 - Federal Dust Reading, Federal Hill, Baltimore, MD, TBA
4/26/2014 - Maryland Writers Conference, 2014
4/9/2014 - Class visit, St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
4/2/2014 - Class visit, Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville, MD
3/23/2014 - with Paul Margolis and Betsy Boyd, Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD, 2-5 pm
3/11/2014 - WORMS Reading, Metro Gallery, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
3/9/2014 - Book group, Baltimore, MD, noon
1/26/2014 - Friends of the Enoch Pratt Free Library 40th Anniversary Celebration, 2 pm, Wheeler Auditorium
12/9/2013 - Fiction at Freddies, Freddies Ale House, Harford Road, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
11/21/2013 - College of Notre Dame, class visit
11/14/2013 - University of Baltimore, class visit
11/11/2013 - Northern Virginia Community College, 7 pm
11/7/2013 - WorWic Community College, 7 pm
10/28/2013 - Bookgroup visit, The Ivy Bookshop, Baltimore, 7 pm
10/24/2013 - Visiting Writer, York College, York, PA, reading 5 pm
10/11/2013 - Words & Wine Benefit, Catonsville Library, Catonsville, MD, 7-9 pm (ticket purchase required
9/28/2013 - 2013 Baltimore Book Festival, Baltimore, MD, 5 pm
9/27/2013 - Lit Chat (twitter chat), 4-5 pm
9/24/2013 - 2013 Fall for the Book festival, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
8/26/2013 - Ivy Bookstore, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
8/11/2013 - Three Tents Reading, Washington, DC, 7 pm
7/27/2013 - One More Page Books, Arlington, VA, 7 pm (Waterbear Series with Susi Wyss and Timmy Reed)
7/14/13 - Barnes & Noble, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Noon (with Jessica Blau)
6/24-29/13 - Chesapeake Writers Conference at St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
6/13/13 - Why There Are Words, Sausalito, CA, 7 pm
6/6/13 - HearArts reading, VisArts, Rockville, MD, 7 pm
6/1/13 - Long Story Short, Mesh Baltimore Skillshare Workshop, Digital Harbor High School, Baltimore, TBA
5/23-26/13 - Saints and Sinners Festival, New Orleans, LA, Saturday 24th, 11:45 am, Sunday 25th, TBA
5/19/13 - Sunday Salon, Jimmy's 43, New York, NY, 7-9 pm
4/23/13 - Barnes & Noble, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 7 pm
4/20/13 - Athens Book Center, Athens, OH (TBA)
4/17/13 - American University, Washington, DC
4/13/13 - CityLit Festival, Enoch Pratt Library, Baltimore, MD (TBA)
3/08/13 - Atomic Books, Baltimore, MD, 7-9 pm, with Jami Attenberg
2/16/13 - 510 Readings, Hampden, MD, 5 pm
11/27/12 - class visit, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
10/18/12 - CityLit Press and the World of Publishing, 6:30 pm, Enoch Pratt Libary, Baltimore, MD
10/11/12 - The Lit Show! Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
10/10/12 - Publishing Today, Oydessy Program (class visit), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 6:30 pm
8/2/12-8/23/12 - Let's Get It Started! (Write Here, Write Now Workshop), Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD, Thursdays, 7 pm
7/14/12 - Chesapeake Writers Conference at St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City, MD
5/3/12 - Artichoke Haircut Reading Series, Dionysus Restaurant, Baltimore, MD, 8:30 pm
4/29/12 - Last Sunday, Last Rites, Baltimore Hostel, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
4/22/12 - Bethesda Writer's Center (Pedestal Anniversary Reading), 5 pm
3/22/12 - The Lit Show!
3/20/12 - Maryland Morning with Tom Hall, 88.1 WYPR, Baltimore, MD
11/17/11 - A Night of jmww, Miseracordia College, Scranton, PA
10/16/11 - Sunday Salon, Jimmy's 43, New York, NY, 7-9 pm
10/11/11 - Publication workshop, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD, TBA
9/24/11 - Baltimore Book Festival, signing and reading, 1-3 pm, Baltimore Gay Life tent
4/21/11 - The New Yinzer Presents, Modern Formations Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 8 pm,
4/16/11 - CityLit Festival, Enoch Pratt Free Library, 510 Readings
3/18/11 - Maryland Morning with Tom Hall
2/4/11 - BLIP Magazine/Moon Milk Review/Potomac Review Off-Site AWP Reading, 7:30-9:30, JHU, Washington, DC
1/30/11 - Lit and Art, 2-5 pm, Watermark Gallery, Baltimore, MD,
11/20/10 - 510 Readings, Baltimore, MD, Minas Gallery, 5 pm
10/1/10 - Scranton Book Festival, Scranton, PA
9/30/10 - Red Canoe, Hamilton, MD
9/25/10 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Tent
9/17/10 - The Signal Baltimore, WYPR
9/11/10 - Red Room, Normals, Baltimore, MD 8 pm
6/22/10 - CityLit Fundraiser, Langerhans, 6 pm
7/22/10 - City Sages Reading, Creative Alliance
7/15/10 - Atomic Books, Hampden, MD
6/7/10 - City Sages Reading, Cyclops, Baltimore, 8 pm
6/4/10 - Sententia/dogzplot/reading, KGB Bar, New York, 8 pm
5/29/10 - Ukazoo Books, Towson, MD
5/18/10 - City Sages Reading, Barnes & Noble-JHU, Baltimore, 7 pm
4/29/10 - CityLit Festival, Enoch Pratt Free Library
4/24/10 - Maryland Writers Conference, Timonium, MD, 10 am
3/20/10 - Dzanc Day Writing Workshop, Minas Gallery, 1-4 pm
1/30/10 - Literary Death Match, The Windup Space, 8 pm
10/4/09 - Scranton Book Festival, Scranton, PA
9/2/09 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Tent, 6 pm
8/30/09 - Last Sunday, Last Rites, Baltimore Hostel, 8 pm
6/13/09 - Publishing Genius Party, The LOFT, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
6/3/09 - jmww anthology III reading, Cyclops, Baltimore, MD, 5 pm
5/1/09 - For Crying Out Loud, Baltimore, MD
4/11/09 - Conversations and Connections, Washington, DC
4/3/09 - Women Writers, St. Mary's College of MD, 8 pm
3/6/09 - Manuscripts and Martinis, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
2/27/09 - Literary Carbaret, Fraziers, Baltimore, MD, 8 pm
1/1/09 - First Day Poetry Reading, Creative Alliance
11/17/08 - Smile, Hon! You're in Baltimore, Baltimore Chop Shop, 7 pm
9/26/08 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Stage, 6 pm
9/10/08 - Word Books, Brooklyn, NY, 8 pm
8/20/08 - The New Yinzer Presents, Pittsburgh, PA, 8 pm
8/9/08 - Accapella Books, Atlanta, GA, 5 pm
5/24/08 - First City Review Reading, Baltimore, Minas Gallery, 5 pm
4/1/08 - Conversations and Connections, Washington, DC
3/16/08 - 510 Readings, Baltimore, Minas Gallery, 5 pm
3/14/08 - The Signal, WYPR, Baltimore
2/17/08 - Baltimore Chop Chop, Baltimore, MD, 1 pm
1/1/08 - First Day Poetry Reading, Creative Alliance
9/30/07 - Baltimore Book Festival, CityLit Stage, Books and Brews
5/5/07 - Conversations and Connections Conference, Washington, DC