A Sellout Journal

I was happy to find out that my story, "Jack the Lion," will be included in the forthcoming in issue 5 (Winter 2011) of Pear Noir!, Daniel Casebeer's beautiful newish magazine based outside of Pittsburgh. He has corraled a number of fantastic authors in its two years of existence, including Lydia Davis, Tao Lin, William Walsh, Lauren Becker, Molly Gaudry, Jarrid Deaton, Barry Graham, Jason Jordan, JA Tyler, Deb Olin Unferth, Lily Hoang, Jimmy Chen, Curtis Smith, Michelle Reale, Blake Butler, Shane Jones, Ethel Rothan, and more. Now that I've told you this, I should mention that all issues, except for Summer 2010, are sold out, and you might want to purchase it before it sells out, too.
We have an interview with Laura Shovan up at the jmwwblog.
Yesterday I went with P to visit her family for her mother's birthday. Oddly enough, even though they are Vietnamese, we always go to Chinese Restaurants when we celebrate anything with them, even though there are several quite promising looking Vietnamese restaurants outside of Falls Church, VA, at the Eden Center.
I shouldn't complain; I was able to get my bubble tea at Eden Center afterward. Although I have no idea why drinking tea with gelatinous balls in it is good for you.