3rd Annual Dzanc Books Write-a-Thon

This is incredibly short notice, but I'd love it if you would sponsor me, even if it's for five bucks. Every donation counts, and I'll definitely be working on the novel this weekend!

3rd Annual Dzanc Books Write-a-Thon

The Dzanc Write-a-Thon is a chance for writers to take a day or two for both themselves and to help others. The helping others aspect comes from the fact that Dzanc earmarks the money raised during the Write-a-Thon for both our Dzanc Writer in Residence Programs and the Dzanc Prize. Dzanc regularly receives interest in starting up new DWIRPs in various areas of the country in great need of such projects, but they simply cannot fund each one on their own. We are looking to expand this wonderful program and need the resources to do so. The Write-a-Thon can greatly help with this. And, as a Dzanc author(forthcoming collection in 2013) and always-admirer of their press, I'm committed to helping them publish and promote new authors and the best writing in the world.