Pages & Places Writing Seminars
Obviously a big reason why people attend writing festivals and conferences is to glean the so-called "tricks of the trade." As someone who has been on panels to discuss the secrets of publishing, I think the six writing and publishing forums for writers and poets that will be offered at the Scranton Pages & Places Book Festival on Saturday, October 2nd look fantastic. For instance, Jean McGarry from the Hopkins writing seminars is leading "The Art and Craft of Fiction." And tickets are only $5 per seminar—you really can't beat that price. If you haven't registered for the festival, I would strongly encourage you to do so. It looks as if attendance will well outpace last year's well-attended inaugural festival.
Also, I will have copies of the Press 53 Open Awards Anthology 2010 for sale, which features my first-place entry for novella, MAY-SEPTEMBER. If you're coming to the Baltimore Book Festival, I should have copies available then, too. More on the Baltimore Book Festival Tomorrow, though!