Press 53 Five-Year Anniversary

Saturday, October 16, 6-9 p.m.
5th Annual Press 53 Wine & Words Fest
Community Arts Cafe
411 W. Fourth Street
Open to Everyone
Cash Bar
Door Prizes!
Press 53 will celebrate its 5th anniversary on Saturday, October 16, from 6-9 p.m. with our annual Wine & Words Fest in the Underground Theater of the Community Arts Café, 411 W. Fourth St. (Fourth & Spruce) across the atrium from our new offices in Winston-Salem. Join us for an evening of looking back at our successes and ahead to our dreams. We will unveil the new and very impressive 2010 Press 53 Open Awards Anthology featuring our top three winners in Poetry, Flash Fiction, Short-Short Story, Short Story, Creative Nonfiction, and both First Prize winners in Novella. Also on hand will be all seven First Prize etched-glass awards, and several of our First Prize, Second Prize, and Honorable Mention winners, who will receive their awards or certificates. This is a free event with a cash bar. Come help us celebrate. Order your copy of the 2010 Press 53 Open Awards Anthology now at for $16 plus $3 S&H.