Things That Are Heard

When I finally fell asleep, I had terrible dreams about my partner and I staying with a friend in San Francisco. His house was haunted, and while we slept on the first floor, I could clearly hear something walking up the stairs from the basement. When I checked the stairwell, I could only see a foot, ankle, disappearing from view. The clanking and climbing up the steps happened again after I fell back asleep, at which point I awoke my partner, delirious, and we sought our friend on the upper floor. The house is haunted, I cried as he put on black, oily pit-stomper boots, began to lace them. You need to do something.
All houses are haunted. He picked up a wrench, big as a tibia. You need to listen. You need to hear things that need to be heard.
He disappeared with the wrench. We listened very hard.