6/17/2013: Featured Writer at Connotation Press

Connotation Press, the wonderful monthly journal run by writer Meg Tuite, was kind enough to honor me as their featured writer for June. In addition to publishing an excerpt, "1945," from my forthcoming novel The Tide King, Meg also interviewed me about my writing process, music, inspiration, and more:

There were actually a lot of threads that wound up becoming The Tide King. A few years ago, I began to tentatively to write a short story based on an old National Geographic article I read about a search-and-recovery mission of the German World War II battleship The Bismarck. As my curiosity grew, my short story idea became a novel idea that included 17th-century Poland and World War II, and my research expanded. I began to read and watch everything I could about World War II. At the same time, I was cleaning out some of the files in my writing folders and found fifty pages of a novel I’d begun five years before that and forgotten about. It included an enchanted herb brought over from Poland, burnette saxifrage, which gave eternal life to those who ate it. Suddenly, I saw the possibilities in combining the novels together, and they culminated in The Tide King.

To read more, go here.