"Older Queer Voices: The Intimacy of Survival" Anthology

Writing fiction was my emotional test kitchen
 -"How I Wrote My Way Out of the Closet"

Really honored to be part of the anthology Older Queer Voices: The Intimacy of Survival, edited by Sandra Lambert and Sarah Einstein, who created it in response to last year's election, and that sinking, frustrated feeling we'd be fighting again for the things we thought we'd already secured: equal rights in employment, housing, and relationships, freedom from the specter of violence

Also, thanks to Jennifer Haupt for originally publishing this essay, "How I Wrote My Way Out of the Closet," in Psychology Today. At the time of publication, I thought I'd written it in retrospect, glad that my generation was probably the last to really to have come out of the closet, that the world was a more accepting place. Just like Obma, I hope these days are just a small dip in the great arc that bends toward justice.

You can read the essay here.